Pitch-perfect Brands start with a rock-solid foundation

Core messaging and identity design that resonates so deeply with your customers that they don’t just understand your value proposition—they feel it.


Turn your website into an irresistible hook


Turn your customers into raving fans


Turn your team into confident brand ambassadors

You can’t rebuild a tour bus while it’s on the road … right?

You’re scrambling to keep up as your business rushes forward at a million miles per hour. You can feel your marketing beginning to stall—your website misses the mark, and your logo is past its expiration date—but you’re still making money and there’s no time to stop and reset.

And yet … you can’t shake the realization that you’ve hit a wall. It’s undermining your confidence and costing you money. And every day it gets a little worse.

Good news: you’ve found the team that can craft your brand’s foundation—its core messaging and visual identity—while also propelling your business forward, right now.

We build your brand foundation while keeping your business on track.

You shouldn’t have to sacrifice progress and momentum in order to build a brand foundation that resonates with customers—or with you.

So don’t.

Low Octave’s team of expert brand strategists, designers and storytellers will work alongside you to quickly pinpoint the reasons customers turn to your company, and craft the core messages that best speak to their needs.

From there, we can help you keep the bus moving forward with sales campaigns, trade show materials, content marketing or whatever else you need, while also getting to work on resetting your brand foundation by updating your website and visual identity.

“We badly needed a new website and a stronger message, but we were growing so fast that we couldn’t afford to press pause. Low Octave actually helped us accelerate our growth during the project while also dramatically improving that underlying foundation.”

Austin Carr, President, Greenlink Energy Solutions


They’re the fundamental elements—strategy, messaging and design—that enable companies to signal to their ideal customers that they’ve found a perfect fit.



We’ll zero in on your key customers, getting to know them better and exploring how your brand and products can best fit into the stories they’re writing for themselves.



This is all about distilling your sales pitch to its purest essence: what your customers want, why they want (and deserve) it, and why your company is the right choice to make it happen.



Your logo and overall presentation convey your expertise as well as your personality. To forge amazing customer relationships, you need both of those elements to click.

Let’s make a hit

Transform your brand’s melody into an anthem by following a simple, straightforward process that delivers consistently exceptional results.

Deep-Dive Workshop.

Track 1

We gather with your executives and sales leaders for an intensive workshop focused on identifying how your brand and offering help customers succeed.

This step is intensive, important, and absolutely invaluable … but we’ll also break by 3:30 p.m. so you can keep up with the challenges of running a fast-growing company.

Craft your brand foundation.

Track 2

Once we have the core insights and messaging themes from the workshop, we’re able to propel your business forward even as we work on foundational pieces like the website and visual identity.

We’ve worked on clients’ TV ads, brochures, press releases and more while also prepping their brand foundations for launch.

Crank it Way up.

Track 3

With your strong foundation in place, it’s time to start building out your marketing for maximum resonance.

Often this includes a new website and a refined visual identity, and it can also include everything from product packaging to email campaigns to content marketing materials such as videos, podcasts, and ebooks.

“Low Octave’s process was deliberate and intentional at extracting the heart of our business and translating that into branding and messaging. Each step of the way was smooth and executed with excellence and the utmost professionalism. We couldn’t be happier with the result.”

Alejandra Kottke, Co-founder, SpecApp

“The project far exceeded our expectations, and our team could not be more excited about the results. Low Octave was thorough, intuitive and easy to work with, and they captured the very essence of our company and message.”

Patti Thayer, President, Thayer Energy Solutions

Meet the team at low octave

It’s a recording-industry truism that the superpower that sets the best musicians apart isn’t virtuosity, but that they’re great listeners. After all, creative breakthroughs nearly always start with breakthrough insights.

That’s also how we approach our work at Low Octave. Yes, we work quickly and well, but our process always starts with a deep dive into your company, product and customers, leaning into our journalistic expertise to ask all the right questions so we can understand how to position your brand for greater success.

We do this alongside you, preferably in the same room, so that there’s 100% alignment on direction before we start making stuff.

Once we’ve got those core ideas settled, we get to work. And we’re pretty good at making stuff. After all …

Steve Hendershot, Content Specialist, Low Octave Brand Foundations

Steve Hendershot, our content leader, is a many-times award-winning multimedia journalist and content marketer, as well as a best-selling author. And a musician.

Aaron Johnson, Branding Specialist, Low Octave Brand Foundations

Aaron Johnson, our branding leader, worked as an in-house art director at a Fortune-500 corporation before launching his own creative agency. And a musician.

Nathan McDonald, Strategy Specialist and Certified StoryBrand Guide, Low Octave Brand Foundations

Nathan McDonald, our strategy leader, has decades of in-house design and communications experience. And a musician.

Cut through the noise

You’ve done the hard work by assembling a great team and creating an awesome product. Now let’s finish the job together with the strategy, messaging and design that ensures your ideal customers start bobbing their heads to your brand’s beat.


Website → Irresistible Hook

When your website is dialed in and a higher percentage of prospects become clients or customers, you set in motion a flywheel of goodness—more revenue, more efficient ad spend, more happy customers who tell their friends about you.


Customers → Raving Fans

It’s one thing to close a sale, and another to convert a buyer into a genuine fan. When that happens, your customers will increase the amount and frequency of their spend with you, and they’ll do your marketing for you by spreading the word.


Team → Brand Ambassadors

Your team can be a force amplifier for your success—but only to the extent that they understand and can intuitively share your core messaging and value proposition. We’ll help everyone get on the same page—not just the execs and sales team.

Let’s rock

Schedule a call, and let’s figure out together how we can unlock your company’s potential and activate your growth—while pushing you forward the whole time.

  • How much does it cost to work with you?

    It depends based on the scope of the project. Our workshop-to-website projects start at $15,000 but often cost substantially more.

  • How long do your projects take?

    We aim to work quickly and submit our deliverables within six weeks of a project’s launch. That time can vary, however, based on factors such as how much “keep your train on the tracks” work accompanies the brand-foundation work.

  • Just how “intensive” is the workshop?

    That depends on you. At minimum, we recommend a single full-day (9am-3:30pm) workshop that can be conducted remotely. But meeting together on-site is often more effective, and some workshops last two of three full days in cases where the company addresses multiple, substantially different customer segments.

  • I’m worried this won’t work because my business model is too complicated.

    If you’re concerned your business is too complicated for this sort of project—that it’s too technical, or too complex because you sell to several very different audiences—don’t worry. In fact, that’s kind of our thing.

  • What does your name Low Octave mean?

    Author Marty Neumeier defines a brand as the gut feeling a person has about a product, service or company. And he’s right. It’s not what you say it is. It’s what they say it is. Building your brand foundations is critical to how you influence that gut feeling—the Low Octave.